Jyorei. Purification of the Spirit.

“Unless you make others happy, you can never be happy yourself.”

“Jyorei” is a healing practice that means “purification of the spirit.” Shumei’s founder, Meishusama, developed Jyorei as a treatment for physical ailments.
Jyorei is a shared act involving two people, one who gives and one who receives. The person receiving Jyorei may experience a sensation of tranquility and well-being. The giver benefits by gaining a larger capacity for compassion and love for others.
Jyorei can be given to anyone at any place or time. All who wish to experience Jyorei are welcome at our centers.
High blood pressure poses a fatal risk during pregnancy for both the mother and child, but through the healing power of Jyorei, Ms. Yuen Pik Ha's blood pressure stabilized, and her child was safely born.
She feels that Jyorei is an expression of the greatest love, and in an effort to help others, she has been sharing Jyorei with her friend in a similar situation, leading to safe and healthy birth.
Mr. Yoshio Sakuraoka encountered Shumei when he was suffering from many warts on his arms. He was also very short-tempered and aggressive toward others.
However, his condition and his behavior incredibly recovered through the healing light of Jyorei.
Through this experience, he began sharing Jyorei with others and underwent a significant transformation into a more calm and gentle person. Now, he is happily sharing Jyorei to bring happiness to others with unwavering confidence.
Joyce Bellucci had been suffering from breathing problems for over ten years. When her condition got worse she had to avoid ramps and stairs. While she received Jyorei she had a feeling her body was being healed, so she began to share Jyorei with many people as well. As a result, unexpected positive changes started occurring in her body.
Ms. Romaine Lawley lives in the Northern rives of NSW. Working at the hospital, she shares Jyorei with her patients, experiencing many miracles and the miraculous healing power of Jyorei. One baby who was born drug dependent and suffering from withdrawal became dramatically well after receiving Jyorei. She hopes people from all over the world experience Jyorei, the Divine Light, and receive many blessings.
Ms. Bejai Gillis lives in California, in the USA. In 2014 her beloved son underwent surgeries to remove a brain tumor. She kept sharing Jyorei with him and its light energy completely healed him. She says Jyorei is a divine blessing to people.
Mr. & Mrs. Hohman live in Ohio, in the USA. Tom went to visit the Hohman’s and to give Mr. Hohman Jyorei from outside his home. The light of Jyorei healed Mr. Hohman’s case of Covid-19, in 2021. They hope the light of Jyorei will bring back love and peace to the world.
Dr. Fernando Guaman del Aguila thinks beyond medicine and integrates Jyorei into his medical practice in Brazil. During an emergency transfer of a COVID-19 patient in a life- threatening situation, he shared Jyorei until her dangerously low oxygen level miraculously improved.
Montri Aiem-Ong, a Thai Buddhist monk living in Japan, not only preaches at the temple but also shares Jyorei with anybody who is interested. He feels great purpose in bringing Jyorei together with Buddhist healing practices in order to provide communal healing to all.
Mr. Benjamin Austin is an Australian Paralympic champion swimmer. Upon retiring, he explored spiritual traditions from all over the world and ultimately came across the healing power of Jyorei. He witnessed its positive influence on his atheist father, who was suffering from cancer. He strongly believes that Jyorei can bring incredible blessings to everyone.
Ms. Nakashima is an experienced nurse in Japan. Her dedication as a nurse overlaps the boundary between medical and spiritual practices. When she shares Jyorei with her patients and fellow staff members, the entire hospital is embraced with light, harmony, and a healthy atmosphere.
Mr Washitani went through a miraculous experience of battling severe nephrosis to being healed. The power of Jyorei, given to him by his mother, helped him return to a point where he is now enjoying a life filled with joy from his wife and daughter.
Mr. Marcelo De Souza was raised by his mother who was a healer and spent his young adult life as a Mormon Missionary in Brazil. Convinced by the incredible healing powers of Jyorei, he is now sharing and teaching Jyorei with his community in hopes of a better tomorrow for Brazil.
Alzheimer’s disease is associated with a gradual loss of memory. Mr. Saitake’s unbelievable recovery is late-breaking news. Sharing Jyorei and gratitude has resulted in a miracle for him.
The doctor gave up trying to save her life twice, but Jyorei recovered her hope. The moment when her blind eyes were suddenly able to see light is still vivid in her memory. With the gift of Jyorei and beautiful singing, Mrs. Tokaji contributes to a society.
Mr. Doi has been healed of severe skin rashes without any medicines and only with having Jyorei and Natural Agriculture foods. It is his idea, that being healthy means being natural and that Jyorei has transformed his unnatural state into natural.

Jyorei FAQ

How does Jyorei work?

Jyorei practitioners view spiritual clouds as the cause of sickness and unhappiness. These clouds are subtle impurities within our spiritual body that dull our awareness and damage our health. Jyorei removes spiritual clouds in the same way that light dispels darkness. Jyorei is transmitted first to the forehead, which primarily promotes spiritual purification, and then to the top of the head, which induces physical purification. There is no need for a Jyorei giver to diagnose the condition of the recipient, because the Light goes straight to the source of the problem.

Is it always good for everyone?

Yes. Jyorei, like prayer, is universally beneficial, as God’s assistance is good for everyone. The Light of Jyorei purifies and uplifts, there are no negative side effects. Although we have not studied this subject scientifically, it appears to encourage homeostasis. Both overactive and underactive immune systems seem to benefit from Jyorei. It calms down those who are agitated and it rejuvenates those who are tired. Jyorei is good for body, mind, and spirit.

What is the difference between Jyorei and other forms of healing?

Many people claim that the energies of Jyorei and other forms of healing feel different from each other. Some sessions can last up to an hour or so, whereas Jyorei sessions usually last only five minutes. Other healing modalities may incorporate complex techniques and procedures, whereas Jyorei is essentially simple, with an emphasis placed on love and gratitude. The Jyorei giver does not try to control the energy or the outcome of the healing session but instead just allows the Light to shine through.


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